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“Lifelong learning”: does that apply to both content and technology?

As a trainer, you know that no one is ever done learning. That is why you always continue to enhance your subject-matter knowledge. But do you do the same when it comes to technology? When trainers start using a blended learning platform, they often ...

As a trainer, you know that no one is ever done learning. That is why you always continue to enhance your subject-matter knowledge. But do you do the same when it comes to technology? When trainers start using a blended learning platform, they often adopt a thorough approach at the initial stage. They figure out which buttons to use for what, prepare training materials, and determine the teaching methods and forms of communication they will use. After that, they usually focus on the training again, for they believe they’ve “mastered the technology.” Is that true, though? Or are they missing out on a lot of opportunities?

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Photo by NOAA on Unsplash


Technology transforms the training

It’s important to understand that technology transforms the training. For example, synchronous meetings often grow more effective. If you give participants the opportunity to prepare independently through the blended learning platform during the asynchronous part, live meetings can revolve around in-depth discussions and interaction.

On top of that, you can further improve the training based on your experience. After the initial stage, at which you’ve merely learned how to replace certain manual tasks by technology, you will see the myriad of opportunities a blended learning platform offers. Examples include more microlearning for a better learning effect, online tests, encouraging mutual learning, and gradually releasing training materials (either based on results or time).

Technology also comes with certain business benefits. For example, you can use your time much more efficiently because of a faster onboarding process, less commuting time, and the simplicity with which you can integrate lessons into a subsequent training.


Continuous development and optimization

If you launch your first training on the blended learning platform and then keep repeating the ‘trick’ indiscriminately, you’ll sell yourself short. Those who continue to develop their knowledge of technology can enhance the learning effect and business return. Because it takes time to discover the countless opportunities a blended learning platform offers. Moreover, technology never stops growing. If you keep enhancing your knowledge of it, you will constantly spot new opportunities to optimize your training.

LearningStone organizes training courses at different levels – from basic to advanced. For a small fee, you can also join our weekly round-table conversations, where trainers exchange experiences, gain ideas, and discuss relevant topics!

Want to benefit from the opportunities offered by the most recent developments? Don’t hesitate to contact LearningStone.

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