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New for advanced users: html and buttons

If you work in LearningStone's editor, you may have looked at the HTML. By clicking on the <> icon, you can see how the text and images are encoded. Sometimes it can be helpful to work directly in the HTML-view. If you know a few HTML codes, you can now add buttons in several shapes and sizes. This can be useful, for example, if you want to link to a feature that stands out a bit.

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Adding buttons is supported by the wysywyg editor in LearningStone but you need to have a basic understanding of HTML coding to do so. Buttons can be a great way to make a link stand out or to make direct jumps to functions like Docs. We have recently added a new page to the help with so called relative links so that your links will not break after copying course timelines.

More about HTML and buttons

More about relative links

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