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Fresh pie charts for LearningStone

If you use LearningStone forms, surveys, tests and quizzes for training or coaching purposes and you use our pie charts, you may have noticed that they weren't being generated the way they should have been in the past few weeks. We're sorry for that. Since we were using a charting component that wasn't supported anymore, we had to rebuild this from scratch. See how it turned out with the example below.


Fresh pie charts!

ls-yellow horizontal line LearningStone #fac112.png

New to forms, surveys, tests and quizzes? Check out our forms help and examples.
Pie charts are now generated for all multiple Choice, likert (5-point scales), yes/no, and quiz questions.

Check out the smallest quiz in the world (new window)

ls-yellow horizontal line LearningStone #fac112.png

How to bake fresh pie charts

  1. Create a form in LearningStone, either as a course timeline block or - if you need a public form - create the form in the Library and make it accessible to the whole world. You'll find the correct sharing link in the form settings.
  2. Add at least one Multiple Choice, Likert (5-point scale), or Yes or No question.
  3. If you want to show the pie charts to the user, go to the form settings and set "When finished show" to "Aggregated results from all respondents".
  4. If you want to view all pie charts, go to Results of the form and select "Charts".

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