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How a blended-learning platform has turned participants into co-creators

Who are our partners, and how have they incorporated blended learning into their training and coaching services? In this blog, Silke Koerner, managing partner at Dex Training, shares her experience. The company specializes in blended-learning programs, which mainly revolve around leadership development, teach coaching and development, and resilience and occupational health management.

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LearningStone's official partner in Germany, Dex Training deploys the blended-learning platform in a variety of ways. "We use it as a communications platform, and I love what it does for our clients and participants," Silke says. "In our development programs, LearningStone is not an optional feature. It's part of the deal."

"LearningStone creates a group feeling"

Roughly two years ago, Silke started looking for a blended-learning platform that could replace the one she was working with at the time. "A couple of months into my search, a colleague told me about LearningStone. It turned out to be exactly what I was looking for." What Silke particularly liked about the platform was the group aspect: "An important feature is the group view, which allows us to see who's in a participant group and communicate with them. It creates a group feeling, not in the least because of the visuals. I like that concept a lot: it emphasizes the participant hasn't embarked on a personal learning journey in which no one else is involved."

Silke also loves that participants can contribute documents, pictures, and other files. "Learning isn't what it used to be: a formal training where a trainer provides all the input to mere listeners. LearningStone turns participants into co-creators. To me, that's a major advantage."

The fact that LearningStone is available in German is definitely a plus: "A quick, understandable onboarding is very important. To further promote this, we've developed ready-made programs in LearningStone, which we call 'blended learning plug and play.'"

"Communication is personal and response times are short"

Ever since the partnership was born, Silke has found it a pleasure to communicate with LearningStone: "Whether I get in touch with tech people or strategic-level experts, it always feels very personal. And whenever a (potential) client has a question I can't answer, I turn to LearningStone, knowing the response times are really short."

Finally, Silke likes that LearningStone fosters the partnership by listening: "At some point, I wanted to add a new positive peer-pressure feature, which allows participants to see each other's progress to a certain degree. LearningStone saw the use of it and developed it for me. And since it uses customers’ input to keep improving the blended-learning platform for everyone, this feature is now available to everyone who uses LearningStone!"

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