To see this, go to a LearningStone course timeline and choose Add Block > Forms, Surveys, Tests and Quizzes. Then add questions and choose "Multiple-choice and quiz questions." You can add answers here after you turn on the quiz option.
New is that each answer can have a different number of points (1). Also new is that you can choose between feedback per answer (2) or feedback for each correct or incorrect answer (3) - you can even combine the two.
We've redesigned the quiz option in preparation for a number of features that are in development and mainly to provide more flexibility, as some of our users requested. Examples? Open the Library and go to Forms and choose "Create or Copy" or check the help here to quickly view some examples.
More good news is that you can add quiz questions to progress markers, so you can add graded questions to your materials as little mini-quizzes to keep your users engaged and monitor progress. And if you do add a progress marker, try out the new confetti option!
p.s. And don't forget: all materials, including forms, can be set up in multiple languages at the same time.