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Who do you need to run a blended training agency?

Tips & How to's, Business

In our previous blog, Are you ready for blended training as a business strategy? We discussed the various tasks associated with blended training. We also wrote that it requires several roles. Subsequently, a nu......

In our previous blog, Are you ready for blended training as a business strategy?, we discussed the various tasks associated with blended training. We also wrote that it requires several roles. Subsequently, a number of readers have asked us what these roles entail. Today, we will answer their question!

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Until recently, face-to-face training sufficed for many organizations. But the spirit of the current times requires blended learning. Suppose you want to make the switch with your training agency. A great idea - provided that your employees embrace it, too. After all, to make blended learning a success, they should start performing new tasks. It’s no rocket science, but it does involve a learning process. What roles are relevant in this regard?

Subject-matter expert

This expert has a lot of experience within a specific domain and possesses all essential professional knowledge. He knows where to find the required content or is capable of producing it.


Being familiar with a field doesn’t mean you can also talk about it in an inspired way. But the trainer can do this. He motivates people and creates a safe learning environment. ‘Empathy’ is his middle name. He understands what participants are struggling with and tackles bottlenecks by providing the right support and content at the right time.

Synchronous online trainer

This trainer strikes the right balance in using synchronous tools (such as Adobe Connect, Skype, and Zoom) when conducting live training courses remotely. In doing so, he takes the participants’ attention span and interactive ability into account.

Training designer (online/offline)

What is the participants’ starting level? What level should they reach? How often do they meet each other live? How do we divide the topics? Which content form works best? When do you opt for synchronous (direct, live interaction) and when do you use asynchronous tools (following training at your own pace, whenever suits you best - by means of LearningStone, for example)? The training designer answers such questions, arranges materials, drafts a didactically sound schedule, and organizes the training from A to Z.


When participants collaborate and communicate online, you need someone who answers questions in a correct and timely manner. This moderator has excellent writing skills and can monitor manners.

Office manager

An office manager sets up the online group spaces and arranges everything with regard to the physical locations. In addition, he organizes the onboarding process of participants, schedules trainers, and posts training materials online.

Business developer

What are the benefits of blended training for those involved? The business developer can provide an excellent answer to this question. Since he’s familiar with all possibilities, he can also bring in new customers.


Not all tasks are new. A subject-matter expert, for example, may also be a born trainer. In that case, all he needs to learn is how to handle the tools required for synchronous online learning. In any event, it’s important that you and your team take up the division of roles together. It’s no rocket science, but it’s necessary. So commit to it. Your organization can do it, too!





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